Scenes of Prison
Topic Index
Next to each topic is a chapter number(s). Each number is a link to a chapter where this topic can be found.
- Address, forms of - 12
- Administrative confinement - 46
- Adoption - 27
- Adrenaline addiction - 22
- Anti-Semitism - 38
- Anxiety about prison - Introduction, 33
- Baselines - 56
- Bible - 2, 38
- Black experience - 3
- Boxing - 35
- Called for a purpose - Introduction
- Canteen - 43
- Canteen special orders - 36
- Capital punishment - 31, 48, 64
- Casework - 9
- Causes of criminal behavior - 22
- Celebrating holidays - 50
- Chemical agents - 44, 45
- Christmas - 2, 50
- Christmas sermon - 50
- Compliance - 23
- Cons - 14
- Contraband - 8, 30, 53
- Control unit - 37
- Counting inmates - 6
- Crime - 9, 14, 22, 25, 31, 34, 44, 45
- Critical incident reviews - 13
- Curses - 47
- Custodial assignments - 43
- Custody - 9
- Dangers - 5, 18, 19, 25, 33, 49, 58
- De-escalation - 19, 12, 38, 10, 44
- Deadly force - 4
- Death penalty - 31, 48
- Death row - 31, 64
- Defiance - 23
- Disciplinary segregation - 2, 37
- Doin’ my job - 17, 33, 38
- DNR (do not resuscitate) directive - 64
- Drug trafficking - 49
- Drugs in prison - 2, 7, 49, 55
- Education in prison - 60
- Elderly in prison - 61
- Employee dress - 20
- Entrapment - 53, 55
- Escape - 13, 15
- Everything-is-awful con - 14
- Exercise yard - 13, 24
- Extortion - 36
- Five pointing - 42
- Flipping out - 35
- Forced-cell-move team - 23
- Foster, Bill - 10
- Fraud - 36
- Gangs - 46
- Gates and Doors - 6
- Good time - 33
- Group therapy - 15
- Health aides - 61
- Heart - 49
- Holidays - 2, 50
- Homosexual relationships - 8
- Howard, John - 50
- Humor - 24, 29
- Hunger strike - 32
- I-did-it-but con - 14
- I’m-innocent con - 14
- Image - 28
- Inmate classification study - 9
- Infidelity - 40
- Inmate Cons - 14
- Inmate files - 6
- Inmate lawsuits - 17
- Inmate sabotage - 15, 54
- Inmate standing - 28
- Inmate violence - 5, 11, 19, 20, 35, 44, 45
- Intimidation - 8
- Isolation - 37
- John Howard day - 50
- Juvenile crime - 34
- Legal Aide - 17
- Levels of force - 4
- Life education - 60
- Litigation - 17
- Mass protests - 10, 13
- Maximum custody - 9
- Medical - 57
- Mental illness - 56, 58
- Misconduct reports - 49, 55
- Mistakes - 26, 52
- Mood management - 29
- Murder - 31, 34, 48, 64
- Murder in the prison - 48
- Name roots - 41
- New hire training - 4
- No-Man's land - 13
- Obesity - 21
- Old age in prison - 61
- Overcrowding - 62
- PTSD - 9, 14, 22, 25, 31, 34, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52, 58, 59
- Parole - 33
- Parole board - 51
- Pat searches - 30
- Perimeter security - 13
- Plumbing triage - 54
- Power of suggestion - 47
- Power relations in prison - 12
- Prejudice testing - 18
- Pressuring staff - 49
- Priapism - 57
- Psychotropic medication - 56
- Punishment - 1, 30, 37, 63
- Race relations - 3
- Racial prejudice test - 18
- Record keeping - 9
- Recruitment - 1
- Rehabilitation - 9, 12, 14, 22, 56, 60
- Romance in the prison - 08, 25, 40
- Sabotage - 11, 54
- Safety - 33
- Scams - 7
- Security - 13
- Segregation - 37
- Seizures - 57
- Self harm - 39
- Sentencing - 63
- Solitary confinement - 37
- Sermon on the mount - 38
- Setting safety - 52
- Sex in the prison - 9, 14, 22, 25, 31, 34, 44, 45
- Sexual assault - 25, 34
- Sexual relations with inmates - 25, 40
- Sheriff role - 52
- Skilled trades education - 60
- Social conventions - 26
- Staff assault - 5, 20, 25
- Staff injury - 5, 20
- Staff safety - 33
- Strip searches - 30
- Suicide - 42, 64
- Superstition - 47
- Swindle - 7
- Tentative release date - 33
- Trafficking - 49, 55
- Trauma - 5, 19, 20, 35, 44, 45
- Unjust convictions - 14, 16
- Unwritten rules - 26
- Urinalysis - 2
- Vandalism - 11
- Violence in the prison - 5, 19
- Vulnerabilities - 5, 14, 17, 33, 40, 49, 53, 55
- Women victimized by prison inmates - 25, 36, 40
- Women working in corrections - 4, 5, 25, 31, 34, 40
- Work assignments - 43